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The three CONFYFindAndReplace functions perform find and replace on a given database. They all place the output results in a database created from tmslogs.ntf and return counts of occurrences found and replaced. They differ only in that the Ex and Ex2 variants give you more options to control the operation.



status = CONFYFindAndReplace( <SourceDb>, <LogDb>, <FindText>, <ReplaceText>,
    <MatchFlags>, <SearchFlags>, <RunFlags>, <SelectionString>, <FilterString>,
    <Searched>, <Found>, <Replaced> )


status = CONFYFindAndReplaceEx( <SourceDb>, <LogDb>, <FindText>, <ReplaceText>,
    <MatchFlags>, <SearchFlags>, <RunFlags>, <SelectionString>, <DesignSelectionString>,
    <FilterString>,   <Searched>, <Found>, <Replaced> )


status = CONFYFindAndReplaceEx2( <SourceDb>, <LogDb>, <LogDbTitle>, <DocTitle>,
    <FindText>, <ReplaceText>, <MatchFlags>, <SearchFlags>, <RunFlags>,
    <SelectionString>, <DesignSelectionString>, <FilterString>,
    <Searched>, <Found>, <Replaced> )


Parameter Input/Output Type Description
SourceDb Input String The database that you want to search. Separate the server and pathname with !!
LogDb Input String The output database for the log. Separate the server and pathname with !! Configurator will create this database if it does not exist.
LogDbTitle Input String CONFYFindAndReplaceEx2 only. The title to use if the log database needs to be created. A default title ("Confy Report") will be used if this is blank ("").
DocTitle Input String CONFYFindAndReplaceEx2 only. The title to use for log documents. A default title will be generated if this is blank ("").
FindText Input String The text that you want to find.
ReplaceText Input String The text that should replace the find text.
MatchFlags Input Long One of more of the CONFY_MATCH_xxx constants listed below. Combine multiple flags with the plus sign (+).
SearchFlags Input Long One or more of the CONFY_SEARCH_xxx constants listed below. Combine multiple flags with the plus sign (+).
RunFlags Input Long One or more of the CONFY_RUN_xxx constants listed below. Combine multiple flags with the plus sign (+).
SelectionString Input String Used to specify the selection formula or view when searching data documents.
If you only specify the CONFY_SEARCH_DATA flag, this parameter should contain a selection formula identifying the documents to be searched. If you also specify CONFY_SEARCH_BYVIEW, this parameter should contain the name of the view containing the documents to be searched.
DesignSelectionString Input String CONFYFindAndReplaceEx and CONFYFindAndReplaceEx2 only. Used to specify a selection formula when searching design notes. CONFY_SEARCH_DESIGN must be passed as one of the search flags.
FilterString Input String A Context Filter to limit the search to certain types of design notes. Use the empty string, "", to search all design note types.
Searched Output Long Returns the number of documents that were searched.
Found Output Long Returns the number of times the search text was found.
Replaced Output Long Returns the number of times the search text was replaced.

Match Flags

Flag Description
CONFY_MATCH_DEFAULT None of the following flags are set.
CONFY_MATCH_WHOLEWORD Turns on whole word searching.
CONFY_MATCH_ACCENT Turns on accent-sensitive searching.
CONFY_MATCH_CASE Turns on case-sensitive searching.
CONFY_MATCH_WILDCARD Search string contains wildcard characters.
CONFY_MATCH_REGEXP Search string is a regular expression.

Search Flags

Flag Description
CONFY_SEARCH_DEFAULT The default behavior is to search the design only and not perform any replacements.
CONFY_SEARCH_DESIGN Search design elements.
CONFY_SEARCH_DATA Search data documents, identified by a selection formula.
CONFY_SEARCH_BYVIEW Modifies CONFY_SEARCH_DATA to identify documents by view rather than formula.
CONFY_SEARCH_MODE_REPLACE Actually performs replacements. Without this flag Configurator will only search.

Run Flags

Flag Description
CONFY_RUN_DEFAULT Default operation. Configurator will not recompile LotusScript and will re-sign any design elements that are changed.
CONFY_RUN_COMPILE Recompile any design elements that Configurator changes.
CONFY_RUN_NO_SIGN Don't re-sign any notes.
CONFY_RUN_SILENT Don't display the status bar.
CONFY_RUN_DOC_PER_NOTE For each design element or document searched, generate a single log document with the details of what was found and replaced. If you don't use this flag, all the information will be stored in a single document which may be difficult to work with if there are a large number of search matches.


When doing multiple search and replace operations on the same database, compiling and signing the same element multiple times is expensive. You can save processing time by waiting to do all the signing at once. To do this, specify the CONFY_RUN_NO_SIGN flag and do not specify CONFY_RUN_COMPILE. Then call the CONFYCompileAndSign function once all the search and replace operations are done.

Return Value

Return value Type Description
status Long Zero (0) indicates that no error occurred. If the return value is non-zero, use CONFYStringLoad to get the error message associated with the error code.



status = CONFYFindAndReplace(_
    "confrep.nsf",_ 'Log database for output
    "Teamstudio",_ 'Text to find
    "TS",_ 'Text to replace
    CONFY_MATCH_DEFAULT,_ 'Default match options for case/accent etc
    CONFY_SEARCH_DESIGN + CONFY_SEARCH_MODE_REPLACE,_ 'Search design and perform replace
    CONFY_RUN_COMPILE,_ 'Recompile modified design notes
    "",_ 'Data selection formula, not used
    "",_ 'Context filter, default includes all design element types
    numSearched,_ 'Output parameter to receive number of documents searched
    numFound,_ 'Output parameter to receive number of matches found
    numReplaced) 'Output parameter to receive number of replacements made


status = CONFYFindAndReplaceEx(_
    "confrep.nsf",_ 'Log database for output
    "teamstudio",_ 'Text to find
    "Teamstudio",_ 'Text to replace
    CONFY_MATCH_CASE,_ 'Case sensitive match
    CONFY_SEARCH_DESIGN + CONFY_SEARCH_DATA + CONFY_SEARCH_MODE_REPLACE,_ 'Search design and data and perform replace
    CONFY_RUN_COMPILE,_ 'Recompile modified design notes
    "SELECT @All",_ 'Data selection formula
    |$Title="MainForm"|,_ 'Design selection formula, search elements named MainForm
    "-FM",_ 'Context filter, only search forms
    numSearched,_ 'Output parameter to receive number of documents searched
    numFound,_ 'Output parameter to receive number of matches found
    numReplaced) 'Output parameter to receive number of replacements made


status = CONFYFindAndReplaceEx2(_
    "server!!dbToSearch.nsf",_ 'Database to search
    "confrep.nsf",_ 'Log database for output
    "Configurator Report",_ 'Title for log database if created
    "Replace performed on server!!dbToSearch.nsf",_ 'Title for log documents
    "teamstudio",_ 'Text to find
    "Teamstudio",_ 'Text to replace
    CONFY_MATCH_CASE,_ 'Case sensitive search
    CONFY_SEARCH_DESIGN + CONFY_SEARCH_DATA + CONFY_SEARCH_MODE_REPLACE,_ 'Search design and data and perform replace
    CONFY_RUN_COMPILE,_ 'Recompile modified design notes
    "SELECT @All",_ 'Data selection formula
    |$Title="MainForm"|,_ 'Design selection formula, search elements named MainForm
    "-FM",_ 'Context filter, only search forms
    numSearched,_ 'Output parameter to receive number of documents searched
    numFound,_ 'Output parameter to receive number of matches found
    numReplaced) 'Output parameter to receive number of replacements made