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Calls Analyzer. Passes only the file names and flags.


status = DEANAnalyzeW32( <Design>, <Analysis>, <Flags> )


Parameter Input/Output Type Description
Design Input String The path of the database to analyze. Separate server and pathname with !!
Analysis Input String The path of the analysis output database. Separate server and pathname with !!
Flags Input Long This parameter allows you to control how Analyzer runs. You can pass any of the DBDEAN Flag Constants. You can pass a combination of flags by using a plus sign (+) to combine them.

Return Value

Return Value Type Description
status Integer A return value of zero (0) indicates that no error has occurred. If the return value is non-zero, use DEANStringLoadW32 to retrieve the error message associated with the error code.


status = DEANAnalyzeW32(_
    "myserver!!dbtorun.nsf",_ 'database to analyze
    "dbout.nsf",_ 'analysis database for output
    DBDEAN_FLAG_SILENT + _ 'no UI feedback
    DBDEAN_FLAG_NO_CREATE) 'do not create new analysis database