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Template Registries


The server the Template Registry resides on (even if it is on the same server as the Build Manager configuration database) must be added to (or already listed in) the Stored Servers category.

The Template Registries View lists all configured stages in the Template Registry that have been configured to work with this instance of Build Manager.

Template Registries View

To Create a Template Registry Stage

  1. Click the Template Registry... button on the toolbar, select Add New Registry. Template Registry Definition
  2. Template Registry Select the Template Registry database.
  3. Environments Add the registry stage that has already been created.
  4. Build Authority List Select users from the NAB that can execute builds to this registry stage.
    Blank allows any user.
  5. Promotion Authority List Select users from the NAB that can execute promotions from this registry stage.
  6. Allowed Target Servers Specify servers that will be the targets of promotions from this registry stage.
  7. Save and close.