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CIAO! Log Fields

You can build custom views of the data. The CIAO! Log Database uses field names prefixed by the $ character. As such, the field names do not appear in the programmer's pane. The log database uses the following fields:

Field Description
$CIAOProject Name of the project, taken from the CIAO! configuration file.
* $CIAODatabase Name of the database, taken from the CIAO! configuration file.
$CIAOType Type of design element, (for example, Agent, Form or View).
$CIAOName Name of design element, for elements that support aliases this is the first name/alias.
$CIAODisplayName Name of design element, displayed as titled in the History view.
$CIAOTime Date and time the design element was checked in.
$CIAOUser Developer's name.
$CIAOComment Check-in Comment.
* $CIAODBID Unique code identifying each database (hidden).
$CIAOUNID Unique code identifying each design element (hidden).
* $CIAOODSVersion Notes release with which this database is compatible, as specified in the Version Options window.
* $CIAOOriginalName The original name of the database before it was renamed to version.nsf or during Make Version.
$CIAO Revision Version number of the element.
* $CIAOVersionNum Pos 1/2/3 Version number values, where 1/2/3 refer to major/minor/ point values.

* Only found in Database Version documents.